Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne natural treatment and medicines that can cause acne or pimples

Other treatments include Accutane and Tretinoin (vitamin A). However, these two treatments are very strong and often come with side effects. In most cases, using any of the 3 agents mentioned above can control blackheads and whiteheads. You should start the product slowly and use sparingly at the beginning. After your skin is used to the product, you can slowly increase the strength of the solution.
Establishing your skin type is the first step to do. Once you have determined your skin type, you can buy a skin clearing product or products that agree with your skin type. You want to keep your face clear of all oil and bacteria. A good cleanser will surely do the job. At any known drug store, there is a vast selection of these to suit any skin type. Secondly, you need to look for a good topical treatment that will help prevent pimples from emerging. This product has to include salicydic acid or some kind of drying agent. In order to keep the pores clear of debris and bacteria, most acne products now focus on proper exfoliation.
Here, we will focus on the effects of acne in women. Many women tend to get upset and ill due to acne as it tends to affect their overall personality. They may suffer from depression, low self esteem and poor body image.
tags: acne in early pregnancy, early child acne, brown spots on face acne

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